Minnesota State Retirement System
The Minnesota State Retirement System needed an experienced web agency to develop, design, implement, and provide technical services to improve their web presence. They chose Nighthawk because of our in-depth knowledge in website planning, Drupal CMS, user experience (UX) research, architecture, design, and implementation.
Minnesota State Retirement System Website
The Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS) was established by the Legislature in 1929. They administer retirement plans that provide retirement, survivor, and disability benefit coverage for Minnesota state employees, the Metropolitan Council, and many non-faculty employees at the University of Minnesota and Minnesota State university system. MSRS covers over 56,000 active employees and currently pays monthly benefits to over 44,000 retirees and survivors.
The Solution
Our goal was to incorporate the new brand style and messaging into the redesign for the new website. The information architecture supported the new design and organized content in an efficient and logical manner for primary target audiences, while preserving deeper content structures to meet secondary audience needs. We used Drupal as the technology platform because it’s robust and mobile-first in focus, yet flexible enough to continue to grow and evolve with their web presence.